Obesity causes Pain

Bio-mechanical relation of normal body weight, obesity and pain Pain It is an uncomfortable feeling or sense (perception) which indicates that something is wrong in the body. Obesity It is a symptom of poor nutrition. Obesity is a state in which there is generalized accumulation of excess fat in the body leading to a body weight of more than 20% of required weight. Obese v/s Normal Obesity has become one of the greatest problems of this world today. Since 1980 15% of the population were`obese; by the year 2000 that number jumped to 27% i.e.; 77 million clinically obese ! According to World Health Organization ( WHO ) report, at least 17% of male and 15% of female in India is obese. Those numbers have increased 10% in just past 4 years and still growing at beyond epidemic rate. 61% people of U.S is overweight and that number, too has doubled since 1980. Now, how you come to know whether you are an Obese or not ? The scienti...