Symptoms and Prevention of OBESITY in MEN

      Obesity is a leading preventable cause of death. Due to the fast turning track of our lifestyle obesity has made quiet a place for itself in the population. Although women are more prone to weight gain due to various factors, men are not lagging behind ! Obesity has a different outlook in both the sexes.

          According to WHO in 2008, around 10% of the male population in the world were obese. Their first sign of obesity is “potting of the belly or pot belly”. Fat deposition is mostly in the lower and middle abdomen and sedentary lifestyle is the foremost reason for it. Long hours of desk work, especially on computers, high intake of non-nutritious food, lesser physical activities leads to development of more diseases like Diabetes Type II, cardiovascular insufficiency, gastritis, muscle spasm, joint stiffness, mental stress, which further contributes to obesity. One might not gain weight due to comorbid disease, but such diseases mostly cause increase in body weight.

So, how to know that you are an obese man?

Check out these symptoms to determine…

  • Check your BMI to see if it is ≥ 30.

  •  Weight of belly pulls the muscles of the thorax due to gravity causing laxity of pectoral muscles on the front and sides of chest.

  •  Pot belly itself is created by the deposition of fat below the rectus muscle, leading to overstretching of the rectus sheath.

  • The bulky belly leads to an increase in lumber lordosis, which is followed by a compensatory dorsal spine kyphosis (hunch back).

  • Gait change due to the exaggerated lumber lordosis.

  •  Center of gravity shifts anteriorly downwards causing excess force on the joints of lower limb (knee, hip, ankle, toes) leading to osteoarthritis, weakened muscles, laxed ligaments all follows, leading to sever pain and difficulties in activities of daily living.


  •   Testosterone's (male hormone) production decreases after the age of 40, which is followed by a decline in the metabolism of fat. The fat tissues mostly place themselves around the visceral organs in the abdomen, hence compromising their functions. Early fatigue, altered appetite, increasing BMI are early symptoms of weight gain. Check yourselves before it is too late !

Preventing Obesity

  •     Healthy diet comprising of less carbohydrate and more of proteins and fibers.
  •     Plenty of intake of water.
  •     Intake of food containing anti-oxidants like nuts, beans and berries and green tea.
  •     Morning and evening walks, yoga and exercises(cardio and endurance).
  •     Consult your doctor and/or physical therapist for pain and deformities.



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